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"You make good friends and don’t have to be afraid.” - Angela H., grade 8
“It feels like family. There is a lot of positivity.” - Aliyah P., grade 6
“It’s perfect for a kid like me. I’m happy and I fit in. It’s better than other schools.” - Pat C. grade 9
“Saint Therese has been a major part of my life. I have learned so much more here than I would have anywhere else. It has helped shape me into the person I am today.” - Mary Grace R., grade 12, Accepted into Benedictine College Kansas
“I am so happy with the authentic Catholicism at St. Therese and the overall freedoms experienced there. No common core. Catholic is our core. Our two children that have graduated from there still attend Mass weekly. Yay!! So grateful.” - Mrs. Cornine, Parent of Two Graduates
“St. Therese is a wonderful compliment to our family's homeschooling. I wish it had been there with my older children! I love that I can weave the Faith into all my teaching. And I continue to grow and learn along with my students.” - Mrs. Maczaj, Parent and Instructor
“St. Therese helped me to grow in my faith, learn to care about my education and helped me love learning.” - Cecelia C., 2017 Graduate, Current Student at University of Mary, North Dakota
"Being a High Schooler in STCA was an experience like none other. Not only was I able to get the best kind of education, I was also able to build up life and professional experience. Thanks to their after school programs and volunteer activities, I have knowledge, skills, and experience that have assisted me in college and the professional world. Not only that, but my Faith is stronger thanks to STCA. I'm not afraid to be Catholic at a secular college, and if challenging questions arise I know how to answer them with patience and humility. I have to say, in the end I owe a lot to the Saint Therese Classical Academy and am very grateful for everything that they stand for and do." - Sara R., 2016 Graduate, Current Student at Full Sail University, and Published Author
This commercial was filmed, directed, written, and edited by the STCA Media Class.
Our first episode of Seekers News! Created entirely by the students. They were the writers, camera operators, anchors, researchers, editors, and more. One of them even created the theme song!!! So proud of their first production.
Our second episode of Seekers News!
Under the direction of teacher Sara Francis, the students of STCA interviewed the headmistress and created a video to give the world a sneak peek as to what goes on during a normal school day.
This second video was also created by the students under the direction of Sara Francis. Now, you can hear what the students have to say about their academy.
A recent promotional video for STCA.
June 2017 Promotional Video Saint Therese Classical Academy
Interview with Headmistress and graduate about the Brown Scapular
Kacey of WHUD features Headmistress, Terri Raciti, on her Sunday show, Shine On.
(Listen to the full interview on Kacey's SoundCloud)